Kamis, 23 Juni 2016

Priority and Important

Finally, I'm training in Sales and marketing department as a Public Relation.
after really busy month, before On the job training. I would tell you, about my busy
day, in campus, for APM (management application program). My friends and I were passing a lot of obstacle. 
We have been  through the hottest day, went here and everywhere. Passed the hard day, with really quandary feeling. 

It was teach me about, choosing which one is priority, which one is important. sometimes, important is not priority.
example, when I have important job, where the job give me money. and I really need the money. but that job, I can have in another day. but selling the event. my event will only held once. and the preparation only one month. so what do you think? well, I cannot decide. which one is priority and which one is important.
in that condition, I've cry. because my leader keep push me to sell my event. and my father also keep yelling at me, to get that Job. 
at the end, I choose both. I tried to managed the time, and, both done. I sell the event, and I got the Job. but, I don't sell the Event very well. and I should waste my money more, because, I need to pay my friend. cause she comes with me. 

But, everything, we passed. we call process.
choosing ALAYA to be my place for doing my On The Job Training, is one of process. 

I've been door to door selling my event to some hotels in Ubud. and, when I'm entering Alaya, I remember with the guest, that treat me very well. the are from Seattle of America. well, I'm forget their name. but the lady have same birthday with me, even we aren't born in same year.

She always give me crispy bacon and sausage in the morning, and give me some danish or croissant. the give me a good memory. and when I'm entering HRD (human resources department) they really welcome and warm. she is Ibu Santi and Ibu Ayu. and good respon, the management bought our ticket. that makes me happy, really happy. because, what we are doing in Ubud, is worth. 

as a Public Relation. I've been three days here, and still learning about product knowledge. ALAYA International Management has four different property, two in Ubud, and two others in Kuta.
It has, 
  • Villa De Daun (in Kuta)
  • Alaya Kuta (in Kuta)
  • Alaya Ubud (in Ubud)
  • Alaya Jembawan (in Ubud)
which every property has Dala SPA, and restaurant. so being sales and marketing, at least we sale 12 properties; Rooms, spas and restaurants. And in every social media we have twelve different accounts.

Learning about priority and important. 
as I said above, I've three days here. and I still only doing scrapbook and prepare sales kit(only put the sales kit to goody bag and copied the sales digital kit to 100 flash disks).
they don't give me any Job yet. Ibu Irma My Marcom, she went to BBTF (Bali & Beyond Travel Fair) to do marketing with, Ibu Nila (Sales Manager) and also with Bapak Wahyu (General Manager). I hope they bring me there. but, I'll ruin everything. 
I think, I'm important, to help Ibu Irma. but I'm not priority of Ibu Irma, that way, she doesn't leave me any Job here.

Learning about priority and important.
as I said above, I have a job that give me money. but, because doing OJT(on the job training) I've leave my job, leave my money. for doing job training. so I need to say, my job training is my priority. and my job is important. but my brain keep thinking, how can I make money?? 

My big dream is, I want to have my own company. cycling company, and having a some acomodation that I can run as commercial. make money. #materialistic
my brain keep talking to me, I should make money. make money make money.
but, I don't know. I wish.. one day. 

at the end, I want to ask you,what is priority and important in your version?
is Money important for you?
or The Happiness is your Priority?

for me, money cannot buy happiness, the way to get money, sometimes you need sacrifice something.
sacrifice your time, your friends, your love. sometimes, you lose your family. exactly, I don't want to lose them all.

but, if you have money, you can get, everything... 
the luxury, that can covered your tired, can pampering your self in every place you want. give you freedom. buy beautiful gown. but sometimes you are lonely.

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